Family Life

Registration of New Birth

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. – Psalm 127: 3 (NIV)

We would love to share in the joy and celebration of the birth of your child. Do use the form below to register your child’s birth so we can present you with a newborn package.

Kindly register within 2 weeks of birth.


Child's Details
Mother's Details
Father's Details
Other Details
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Baptism & Membership



Baptism is an expression of transformation. It is one of two sacraments held by many Protestant denominational churches. The other is the sacrament of Holy Communion. Baptism is the sacrament of initiation. It initiates a believer into the body of Christ, the Church. It marks a new beginning in a public witness in which one declares unashamedly to the world (family, friends, colleagues and neighbours) that he has been transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A sacrament is an outward sign of an inward change. And baptism is a public sign that a new inward life centred about a restored relationship has begun. Baptism celebrates the themes of death to the old life and birth into a new. It is the cleansing and purification of our souls, and signifies that we have been incorporated into the growth of the body of Christ.

There are two forms of baptism: infant and adult.

Infant Baptism

This form of baptism emphasizes two important points.

  • God’s love is freely given and quite independent of our actions. There is nothing we can do to earn it.
  • The church has a responsibility to nurture and protect its members.

Baptised infants become preparatory members of the church until they reach the age of sixteen when a personal profession of faith can be made. Here they publicly profess their faith and assume both the baptismal vows taken on their behalf at infancy, as well as their membership vows. Until then, parents have the primary role and responsibility of passing on the faith to their children.

Adult Baptism

Adult baptism is for older children (those 16 years and older) and adults and emphasizes one other important point:

  • personal acceptance of God’s grace.

If anyone is not ready for their membership vows, they enter the constituency roll which includes preparatory members (those baptized as infants) who have reached sixteen but are not ready to be received into full membership.



Our Book of Discipline (BOD) of the Methodist Church in Singapore requires members of the local church to faithfully perform their vows and covenants of membership. The Adult Baptism and Membership Class at Wesley Methodist Church instructs and prepares candidates to fulfil these vows and their commitment as a member of our church.

We welcome those seeking to be baptised and/or desiring to become members of Wesley Methodist Church to apply to join BMC. This class also applies to those seeking to transfer their membership from other churches (Methodist and Non-Methodist).

Please note that those baptised as infants or children are not automatically members of Wesley Methodist Church. They will also need to fulfil the BMC requirement before being confirmed and received into membership of the church.

The Meaning of Membership:

  1. When persons unite as professing members with a local Methodist church, they profess their faith in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy Spirit. Thus, they make known their desire to live their daily lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. They covenant together with God and with the members of the local church to keep the vows which are a part of the order of confirmation and reception into the Church:
    1. To renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of the world, and repent of their sin;
    2. To accept the freedom and power God gives them to resist evil, injustice, and oppression;
    3. To confess Jesus Christ Lord and Saviour and pledge their allegiance to his kingdom;
    4. To remain faithful members of Christ’s holy church and serve as Christ’s representatives in the world;
    5. To be loyal to Christ through The Methodist Church and do all in their power to strengthen its ministries;
    6. To faithfully participate in its ministries by their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness;
    7. To receive and profess the Christian faith as contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
    8. Faithful membership in the local church is essential for personal growth and for developing an increasing sensitivity to the will and grace of God. As members involve themselves in private and public prayer, worship, the Sacraments, study, Christian action, systematic giving and holy discipline, they grow in their appreciation of Christ, understanding of God at work in history and the natural order, and an understanding of themselves.
  2. Faithful discipleship includes the obligation to participate in the corporate life of the congregation with fellow members of the Body of Christ. A member is bound in sacred covenant to shoulder the burdens, share the risks and celebrate the joys of fellow members. A Christian is called to speak the truth in love, always ready to confront conflicts in the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation.
  3. A member of The Methodist Church is to be a servant of Christ on Mission in the local and worldwide community. The servanthood is performed in family life, daily work, recreation and social activities, responsible citizenship, the stewardship of property and accumulated resources, the issues of corporate life and all attitudes towards other persons. Participation in disciplined groups is an expected part of personal Mission involvement. Each member is called upon to be a witness for Christ in the world, a light and leaven in society, and a reconciler in a culture of conflict. Each member is to identify with the agony and suffering of the world and to radiate and exemplify the Christ. The standards of attitude and conduct set forth in the Social Principles shall be considered as an essential resource for guiding each member of the Church in being a servant of Christ on Mission.
  4. All members of the church should study the principles of Christian stewardship and dedicate themselves, their time, talents, and substance to God and the advancement of His kingdom. In recognition of God’s ownership they should practice systematic and proportionate giving (Mal 3:8-121 Cor 16:2). They should regard Christian liberality as a privilege and sacred duty, and freely give of their substance for the spread of the gospel at home and abroad, for the maintenance of the local church and for the support of the agencies and enterprises of the general church.
  5. All members are to be held accountable for their faithfulness to their covenant and vows with God and the other members of the church.

Applicants seeking to be saved from their sins and desiring to be Christian in faith and practice are invited to offer themselves for membership into the local congregation of Wesley Methodist Church of The Methodist Church in Singapore.

Applicants of Baptism and Membership Class are expected to fully participate in the class. Click “here” for more details and to fully understand the requirements. Please ensure that you are able to fulfil all the requirements before submitting your application form.


To Apply

  1. Carefully read (1) “The Meaning of Membership” in the section above and (2) the Methodist Social Principles.It is important that you must be in agreement with the meaning of membership and the standard of conduct set in the Methodist Social Principles before applying for baptism and/or membership.
  2. Membership to a local church is about commitment and faithful participation. We do require candidates to be committed in regular participation in our weekly worship services or participating faithfully in a Wesley Small Group prior to applying: All applicants are required to have met the following requirement:

    • 1 year regular attendance in worship services OR 6 months faithful participation in small group.

    You will be required to provide the following together with your application form:
    1. A declaration that you have participated in faithful regular attendance in our worship services* or a Wesley Small Group.
    2. Your personal testimony. Click here for the guide on how to write your testimony.
  3. Click here# to access the online Application Form. Please set aside 15 minutes to complete the form. Please make sure all required spaces are completed before submitting the form online.
  4. You will be informed if your application is successful and will be given further instruction regarding submission of the Baptism & Membership online form and thereafter the instruction regarding the payment of the registration fee of $30.00 (non-refundable).
  5. Applicants must be residing in Singapore and above the age of 16 at the time of application.



The Infant/Child Baptism is for infant/child up to 16 years old.  
For Special Baptism, there is no age limit.

All parents desiring to have their children baptised are required to attend the Infant/Child/Special Baptism Preparation (ICSBP). At ICSBP, they will be briefed on the meaning of this Sacrament and the vows which they assume. Parents who present their children for Baptism are expected to be diligent in bringing them up according to the word of God and in fellowship with the Church. During the ICSBP session, parents will also have the opportunity to interact and discuss parenting issues, as well as engage in sharing on family devotion and other ways in bringing up and nurturing their children in Christian faith. 

To register for Infant/Child/Special Baptism:

  1. At least one parent is a member of Wesley Methodist Church.
  2. Click  to access the online registration form. The form must be accompanied with a copy of either parent’s Wesley Methodist Church membership certificate. 
  3. Please note that the  to the registration form is activated only during the registration period (please refer to the schedule below). 

Please note that those baptised as infant or children are not automatically members of Wesley Methodist Church. They will be enrolled as a Preparatory member of church. They may decide to be confirmed and received as full member of the church after their 16th birthday and completion of the Baptism and Membership Class. 



We would love to connect and walk with you in your faith journey. If you have any enquiries, do contact us. Drop us an email here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the church office at 6837 8568.

Check out the Baptisms and BMC Schedule below. Please note that course details can be subjected to change and registered candidates will be notified accordingly.


Combined Family Worship

The objective of Family Worship is for families to come in the presence of God to worship Him together as a family unit. This worship is held at 8.30 am and 11.00 am on 16 February, 12 April, 16 August and 25 December.

To find out more and to serve in this area, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Cradle Roll

The Cradle Roll Ministry seeks to engage parents who are expecting and, subsequently, upon the birth of their newborn, ease them into parenthood within the church setting.

A group of volunteers visit the families with new births to introduce the support and infant care facilities available in church. Upon request, our volunteers are also able to provide a helping hand in the Infant Care Rooms to new parents when needed.

For registration of new births, please click here.

For expecting mothers, please register at so that we can reach out to you!

Looking for Infant Care Rooms and Baby Changing Facilities at Wesley? Click here.


31 Days Sample Prayers For Children

Faith-Driven Parenting

“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.” (Psalms 127:3-4)

If you’re struggling with parenting, you’re definitely not alone. Parenting takes learning and faith, and one of the best ways to grow as parents is to journey along with the support of a community.

So why not consider joining The Art of Parenting, a video-based small group study that’ll help you find new ways to integrate faith into everyday parenting moments?

Based on decades of teaching and featuring insights from notable parenting advisors, this study by CRU Singapore highlights issues that you and your child need to address together. You’ll learn how to parent each child according to his/her personality and gifts while integrating faith in everyday parenting moments.

The 8-session study covers:

  • The Goal of Parenting
  • Forming Character
  • Applying Discipline
  • Building Relationships
  • Understanding Identity
  • Nurturing Identity
  • Preparing for Mission
  • The Power of Family

Watch out for our parenting events and programmes via our social media (Facebook, Instagram and Telegram), Wesley Weekly and Wesley Highlights.

Family Life Membership

The Family Life Ministry in Wesley serves to create opportunities for families to come together through organised activities and events. Through seminars and worship services, it also aims to educate, equip and fill the families with His Word. Through visitations and family devotions workshop, it encourages families to put Christ in the centre of their home.

The Family Life Ministry’s Vision is "to build a loving and caring community as one united family in God at Wesley".

Click on any one of the Family Life links to find out more. You can also contact the Ministry Coordinator at 6837-8605 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Marriage Enrichment Course

The Marriage Enrichment Course is conducted over a series of seven sessions, and is designed to help couples build a strong marriage.

Some couples do the course to intentionally invest in their relationship, others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime.

A strong marriage doesn’t just happen on its own –– it requires hard work by both spouses!  

Look out for our Marriage Enrichment Course on Wesley Highlights, Wesley Weekly and Wesley’s social medias.


Alpha’s The Marriage Course for Married Couples

(Free of charge)

Alpha's popular The Marriage Course is back for the 7th run in Wesley and still in the comfort of your own home!

Each session involves watching a video together as a couple and having private discussions with your spouse at various points in the video. There is no expectation to participate in group discussion. 

Some couples do the course to bolster an already thriving marriage, while others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. A strong marriage doesn't just happen on its own - it requires hard work!

All it takes is 2 hours (on Monday at 7.30 pm-9.30 pm) a week with your spouse for 7 weeks to give your marriage an extra boost. Sessions will be conducted via Zoom, so joining the course couldn't be easier.

Sign up today :

The topics that will be covered are as follows:

4 March - Strengthening Connection

11 March - Art of Communication

18 March - Resolving Conflict

25 March - Power of Forgiveness

1 April - Impact of Family

8 April - Good Sex

15 April - Love in Action

Please note that there will be no make-up sessions.

Marriage Mentoring

Do you want to mentor or to be mentored in your marriage? Sign up here

Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation Course

The course offers couples the opportunity to explore their readiness for marriage and aims to prepare them for Christian marriage. Topics covered include:

  • Understanding God’s vision for marriage
  • In-depth discussion of biblical principles for marriages
  • Discovering and understanding personality differences
  • Managing communication and conflicts
  • Family planning
  • Managing finances

For better experiential learning and group participation, the course offers topical sharing by speakers followed by small group discussion.

Due to limited trained facilitators, we regret to inform you that only members of Wesley Methodist Church (WMC) and members who have fixed wedding date have the first priority.


  • $100 per couple (Members of Wesley Methodist Church. If one member of the couple is a Wesley member, the registration is considered as a registration of a Wesley member)
  • $120 per couple (Non-members)

(Class size is limited. Please register early)

Please take note:

  1. Couples intending to be married at Wesley are strongly encouraged to attend. In the event that couples are unable to attend Wesley's MPC, they may consider attending the MPC conducted by other Methodist churches, EMCC, Alpha Singapore or Focus on the Family.
  2. Couples who register should have their wedding within a year.
  3. This is strictly a face-to-face course.
  4. Punctuality is a must. If you are late for more than 15 minutes, you would be considered absent.
  5. Only participants who fulfil the requirements of the course would receive the Letter of Completion

For enquiries, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please take note:

  1. If you miss more than one session, you would be taken out of the cohort. There would be no replacement for the missed session.

MPC 02/2024 (Sep/Oct)

Venue: To Be Confirmed

Dates & Time:

14th Sep 2024 (Sat) – 1.00pm to 5:00pm

21st Sep 2024 (Sat) – 1.00pm to 5:00pm

28th Sep 2024 (Sat) – 1.00pm to 5:00pm

5th Oct 2024 (Sat) – 1.00pm to 5:00pm

12th Oct 2024 (Sat) – 1.00pm to 5:00pm

19th Oct 2024 (Sat) – 1.00pm to 5:00pm

Online registration via jotform only and the link will only be activated on 04 Aug 24 (Sunday).

Registration opens for members of Wesley Methodist Church: 4th Aug – 25th Aug 24 Closing date: 25th August 24 (Priority).

Registrations received between 26th August – 08th September 2024 will be awarded (if there are still vacancies) on a first-come-first-serve basis, regardless of membership.

Any registration and payment from non-WMC members that is submitted before 25th August 2024 will not be valid. We will refund any payment from non-WMC member if no vacancies are available. WMC members who were unable to secure a seat in the current run would be deferred to the next run.

Men In Christ

Men-in-Christ Ministry (MIC) is a men-only group, formed for the purpose of helping men grow in Christlikeness, via mutual accountability and various forms of support.

Structured, twice monthly program, balancing the need for growth and mutual ministry.

We gather together every 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, 9am till 11am.

For a start we will be discussing the issues relating to our manhood as God intend man to be using the book ‘A Journey of Manhood’, by Kirk Tan.

We affirm each other’s identity in Christ by being accountable to and accepting one another, even as we imitate Christ who is the perfecter of our faith.

We believe that there is strength in numbers as Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 says:

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Join us as we embark on a very important journey of our lives together as sons, fathers, single and married men to be a blessing to our church, family and society.

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

FLM Resources


Marriage Charter

Beyond the vows and ceremonies, Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and woman. It is a union instituted by God that reflects the relationship between Christ and the Church. It is a journey that traverses time and varying seasons in in life, and testifies of God’s goodness and faithfulness. The Marriage Charter presents the principles and practical applications that guide Christian couples towards intimacy with God and with one another in their lifelong discipleship journey.

Click here to Download | Marriage Charter.


Sacred Marriage Health Check

Sustaining a robust marriage requires an intentional and disciplined effort. It is important for Christian couples to encourage one another to grow in intimacy with God and with one another. Spiritual intimacy includes having a commitment to Christ as the foundation of marriage (Ephesians 2:20). A marriage without Christ is like a house built on sand, it is only a matter of time before it crumbles when battered by the storms of life. In a flourishing marriage, couples engage in the various faith environments of CORDS together so that they become more like Christ, both as individuals and as a couple.

Do the Sacred Marriage Health Check.

Marriage Videos


A Couple's 30-day Prayer Guide

"Marriage is God's special and wonderful gift for our discipleship. As we journey with our spouses, it is prayer for each other which centres the marriage on Christ and transforms it to increasing Christlikeness. It is my sincere hope you will take time to pray with and for your spouse. May these prayers, scripted according to Scripture, be a catalyst of God's restoration, renewal and revival for your marriage, for the purposes and glory of God. Be blessed as you pray!"
- Rev Raymond Fong

Download Prayer Guide


31 Days Sample Prayers For Children

Parenting Videos

Seven Principles of Biblical Family

The 5 Love Languages of Children


Parenting Tips Part 1/2

Parenting Tips Part 2/2

© 2020 Wesley Methodist Church