Fellowship & Interest Groups

Men-in-Christ Ministry (MIC) is a men-only group, formed for the purpose of helping men grow in Christlikeness, via mutual accountability and various forms of support.

Structured, twice monthly program, balancing the need for growth and mutual ministry.

We gather together every 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, 9am till 11am.

For a start we will be discussing the issues relating to our manhood as God intend man to be using the book ‘A Journey of Manhood’, by Kirk Tan.

We affirm each other’s identity in Christ by being accountable to and accepting one another, even as we imitate Christ who is the perfecter of our faith.

We believe that there is strength in numbers as Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 says:

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Join us as we embark on a very important journey of our lives together as sons, fathers, single and married men to be a blessing to our church, family and society.

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Women's Society of Christian Service

Women's Society of Christian Service, better known by its initials WSCS, is a ministry within the Church for women of all ages. The main purpose of WSCS is to help women grow in christian maturity and unite them in christian service.

The executive and administrative functions in WSCS rest in the Executive Committee. It is supported by five sub-committees, each tasked with the planning and implementing of programmes for the ministries of Witness and Evangelism, Outreach and Social Concerns, Discipleship and Nurture, Mission and Local Church Activities.
WSCS welcomes participation from all women members of the Church, and it is hoped that as they become involved in its activities, they will also embrace with enthusiasm and commitment the objective set out in its mission statement:
"To know Christ and to make Him known"

Gardening Ministry

Started in 2017 by a group of passionate gardeners, the Gardening Ministry meets three days a week to tend to plants. The greenery the Gardening Ministry contributes helps to beautify our church, enhancing the overall look and feel of Wesley’s surroundings.

Apart from serving as an opportunity for you to do God’s work, gardening is also an enjoyable form of exercise, as it increases levels of physical activity, aiding in enhanced mobility and flexibility. Gardening can also prove therapeutic for the soul as it reduces stress levels and promotes relaxation. To find out more and/or to serve in this area, please contact us here.

Ukulele & Harmonica

The Seniors’ Harmonica Ensemble and Ukulele Group

Ministering to the congregation through their cheerful tunes, the Wesley GYM Harmonica Ensemble and Ukulele Group also participate in outreach programmes with the residents of St Luke’s Hospital and St Luke’s Elder Care. They also perform at Wheels D’ Way outings.

Apart from uplifting the spirit with music, learning a musical instrument can help the elderly to keep their memories sharp. If you are interested in picking up a new musical skill or finding like-minded musical enthusiasts, you are welcome to join the group at their meetings every Wednesday. To find out more and/or to serve in this area, please contact us here.

Collating Ministry

Every Friday at 9.45am, come rain or shine, you’ll be sure to find members of the Collating Ministry seated at the Level 2 Hall, diligently collating each page of the Wesley Weekly. In a process that spans more than one and a half hours, volunteers work hard at placing every page of every booklet in order. Together, the team collates an average of 1,000 copies of the Wesley Weekly each week.

Established in the 1980s, Wesley relied on a printing machine, a paper guillotine and a folding machine, to complete all the printing, folding and collating, which was done in-house by members of the church on Saturday mornings. Today, the ministry comprises about 15 members, ranging from their 50s to their 80s. Many of them have been serving for more than 20 years, blessing the congregation with the fruits of their labour every church service.

If you would like to get involved in this simple, yet dedicated task of collating the Wesley Weekly each week, please contact us here.

For more information, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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